We all deserve to take some time out of our busy schedule for ourselves, and what better way to do that than by playing a round of golf, visiting with old friends, and making new ones. Our women’s league is non- intimidating yet challenging for women of any level. If you’re looking to join a fun and entertaining way to meet other women with the same interests, then this is it. Our goal is to make league play as fun and stress free as possible.
INFORMATIONAL & SIGN UP MEETING | Wednesday, April 24 6PM @ Ponds Clubhouse |
LEAGUE FEE | $100 (includes GHIN fee, payout for weekly events, trophies/awards and end of year special event. This does not include optional weekly side proxies, tournament event fees, or green/cart fees). Ask any committee member for information. |
EVENT ENTRY FEE | $5 for weekly proxys. Additional fees for Saturday tournaments and League Championship event will be announced closer to the time of the event. Watch for poster on league bulletin board or ask any committee member for more information. |
ELIGIBILITY | Open to Women of at least 18 years old You DO NOT need to be a season pass holder to be part of league. |
WEDNESDAY EVENING GREEN FEES | $30 including cart per week if you are not a current season pass holder 1/2 cart are available for $13 if you are a season pass holder. **Call or stop by the pro shop for more information on 2024 season passes, or on this website under Season Pass Holders. |
FORMAT | Low Gross/Low Net, with fun games mixed in periodically. |
TEES | All players will play from the Red tees. |